Burger Den

Plus phone numbers

Convert local phone numbers to international phone numbers with just a click. Download/copy the generated phone numbers with a click. React JS, Tailwind CSS, and CSS were used to create the Plus Phone Number App. 100% responsive across various devices.

Burger Den

Make Yanga

Generate clustered smart phone screen shots of images with a click. Upload images, Shuffle images to your taste, re-order images by clicking on them and finally download the images. The generated images are of high quality and very pretty.

Burger Den

Coin Market Voice

Monitor the crypto market via audio. Monitoring crypto prices should not interrupt our lives. I developed Coin Market Voice to enable people to get real-time crypto prices in their ears, while engaging in other activities. Enjoy live crpto prices via audio

Burger Den

Coin Market Stats

Conduct deep research into crypto prices, volumes, market cap, historical prices, etc. Coin Market Stats provide both historical and real time stats about crypto-currencies. Stats are displayed in industry standard crypto data tables.

Burger Den

Gem Keeper

Store crypto gems, get real time prices of crypto gems, monitor crypto gems, create and receive price alerts of crypto gems all in one place. It's the dream of most crypto traders to buy crypto gems at lower prices, then resell them at higher prices.

Burger Den

Deep N Bounce

If it mooned, buy the deep, wait for moon. When crypto currencies moon, they dip. If market conditions are good, they moon again. Deep N Bounce enable traders to buy the dips of crypto currencies that mooned, enabling them to profit.

Burger Den

Burger Den

A burger restaurant landing page, created with the right colors and style. Burger Den has a section for displaying and purchasing the various burgers on the menu and other sections for creating menu combos, Ad's, customer review, etc.

Fresh Eats

Fresh Eats

Fresh Eats is a landing page for a fresh fruit and vegetable e-commerce site. It has a section for displaying and buying products, advertising and promoting the business, how it works, about us and testimonials.

NFT Galaxy

NFT Galaxy

A NFT landing paging page, with sections for limited auction, NFT category, placing bids, creators, etc. NFT Galaxy has a very interesting design, crafted to give NFT buyers a new and enjoyable user experience.


Message fit

Msg Fit is an App for sending personalized bulk emails to various people via the web for free. It's very simple to use and delivers at the speed of light. It works with webmail and various popular email services.


Cool tarot

Cool Tarot is an AI-based tarot card website, with an admin section. Tarot reading is displayed after the user has picked 7 cards. The cards are displayed with their symbolism & interpretation, etc. Enjoy AI tarot by Like A King Company.

Auto grouping bot

Auto Grouping Bot App

Auto Grouping Bot is a virtual group picking App. Empowers people to pick groups virtually, instead of the traditional dip picking system. Our mission is to eradicate every form of prejudice associated with traditional grouping systems.

Auto group maker

Auto Group Maker App

Auto Group Maker is an App for grouping and regrouping people with the ease of a click. Group members can also be shuffled or mixed up at any time, without any form of manual labor. We automated the boring and stressful process of grouping and regrouping.

Dual email & phone number extractor

Dual Email/Phone number extractor

Pangolin IQ, Dual Email/Phone number extractor, is powerful dual email and phone number extractor. Its was created to extract both emails and phone numbers from text at the same time. Pangolin IQ can also covert numbers written in words to numbers,etc.


Retirement Time Calculator

See into your future. Know your retirement year, age, years remaining to work and many more. Retirement Calculator accepts the date of birth of a user, then perform certain computations to derive the retirement year, age, etc of the user.